Monday, April 12, 2010

Soft Noses

As many of you know we live out in the boonies - well not to far out there but we do get the breeze on a warm summer day from the freshly cleaned chicken coops yummm. Well we have been out here going on four years now and the majority of the time we drive home I talk about pulling over and petting a horse or two. Today was the day! Well that was the plan at least.

So how many of you grew on on a farm? Yeah not me. The first stop was a field with four or five cows. They were all close to the fence so I pulled over and swapped out lenses. By the time I finished that they were now standing, facing me, all with menacing looks and out weighing my car by a few hundred pounds I'm sure. I opened the door and started to make my way over to them - my first thought was "That little barb wire fence wont stop them will it?" Well after about five steps they all turned and started to walk away - one actually ran! I've never seen a cow run before but it was quite hilarious, sorta like Murray (our big dog). Well there went that shot attempt, onto another location.

Spot two was a field of black horses - gorgeous huge horses. Almost like a black Clydesdale, if those exist. They all looked at me when I got out of the car but wouldn't come with 25 yards of me. I didn't think that both horses and cows would be so timid to approach people - oh well.

Spot three brought me to Albert. World meet Albert! He was the only animal willing to come over to me. He walked slowly and once he got to me just poked his head over the fence. Horse noses are so ridiculously soft!

Moral of the story: Unless you grew up around farm animals be afraid. They can and will eat you for dinner!


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